Thursday, January 29, 2009

Broadcaster Hails the Changing Face of Media

Broadcaster Hails the Changing Face of Media

One company bucking the recession with rising share prices and big expansion plans are hailing the way the face of the media is changing….

(PRWEB) January 29, 2009 -- Glastonbury Broadcasting Ltd have been saying for some years that DAB is a dying source as the “Betamax of radio” and that online digital broadcasting is the future, and now it seems they are being proven correct as 54 million listeners a week are tuning into online radio broadcasts whilst DAB’s listeners and advertising continues to fall.

Internet Radio was once seen as “bedroom DJ’s” broadcasting form their homes, but in the past two years several large networks have changed the whole face on online broadcasting, bringing in large audiences and blue-chip advertisers who have seen the obvious benefits of an interactive audience who can surf to the advertiser’s website with credit card in hand, whilst listening to the broadcasts. Check out

The BBC once stated that every letter, call or e-mail represents 1000 listeners as only 1 in every 1000 will contact a show. Online radio is seeing an interaction rate of 1 in 5 on the popular Glastonbury Radio network. “Advertisers would be foolish NOT to take notice of such statistics” says Managing Director Ross Hemsworth. Ross is a pioneer of online broadcasting having previously sold his previous venture “Net Talk Radio” and has been broadcasting shows online for many years. “When I started broadcasting online it was to three listeners and a cat, but I always knew THIS was the future and now we are seeing the changes across the whole face of broadcasting, with a trend towards online listening and viewing and with the Internet overtaking television as the nation’s favourite pastime”.

At a time when the world is entering a recession and TV and radio stations are struggling to survive, online broadcasters are seeing share prices rising and income increasing and £1 shares in Glastonbury Broadcasting are now selling at over £2000 a share and will probably be worth a lot more in years to come!

Glastonbury Broadcasting is now offering online broadcast facilities to retail outlets and franchised radio station packages to presenters and entrepreneurs who want to get in on the exciting future that online broadcasting represents. The company is also about to launch a new online TV service and a second radio station in the coming months! See more at “press releases” at our corporate website

As the world becomes closer through globalisation, the Internet offers broadcasters the chance to broadcast to a truly worldwide audience, and with motor manufacturers planning to install Internet into cars, most towns planning to go “WIFI” and faster broadband speeds becoming available, there is little doubt that Glastonbury Radio and Glastonbury Broadcasting Ltd is great story of success in a time of general business gloom.

Managing Director Ross Hemsworth can be contacted for interviews on 0871 871 3666


Contact Information Ross Hemsworth

Glastonbury Radio

+44 0871871 3666

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