Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Microsoft Security Centre� Recognize DriveSentry the World's First Personal Firewall for Drives

Microsoft Security Centre® Recognize DriveSentry the World's First Personal Firewall for Drives

Next Generation antivirus protection from DriveSentry in Security Centre. Microsoft ® customers protected from the very latest virus threats. Known as Zero day threats, the threats are the preferred method of identity theft on the web. These threats are combated with significant ease by the technology used by DriveSentry known as whitelisting.

Mountain View, CA (PRWEB) February 24, 2009 -- By including Next Generation antivirus protection from DriveSentry in Security Centre, Microsoft (http://www.microsoft.com/uk/security/default.mspx) ® customers are finally protected from the very latest virus threats. Known as Zero day threats, they are the preferred method of identity theft on the web. However even these are thwarted with significant ease by the technology known as whitelisting.

"It is vitally important that Microsoft ® consumers are protected from zero day attacks such as the latest variant of the Mdropper Trojan that was reported by Adam J. O'Donnell for ZDNet (http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=2658) earlier today. This fresh zero day virus is now in the wild and causes a code execution vulnerability in Microsoft Excel ® 2007 SP1" said Alan Jones CEO, DriveSentry. He continued "while other security firms scramble to patch their security products, DriveSentry users are already protected, as we use the latest whitelisting technology"

DriveSentry addresses the issues regarding how restrictive whitelisting can be by combining it with multiple protection technologies. Unique to the security industry, DriveSentry offers whitelisting (for the latest protection), blacklisting and heuristics (to reduce interference) and finally live community feedback in one simple package.

As DriveSentry (http://www.drivesentry.com/AntiVirus-Firewall-features-for-computers-and-removable-media.html) incorporates whitelisting into it's antivirus application, it is possible to operate the software with a minimal overhead. This major feature means that DriveSentry is an ideal solution for Netbook computers and also means a common issue with antivirus solutions -high memory usage - is avoided.

The product is incredibly simple to setup and use and is specifically designed to protect the user with minimal fuss, what's more the antivirus protection is free to use!

For more in depth discussions about DriveSentry antivirus or to find out how some of our customers are benefiting from using our products please contact Mike Quinn Director of Product Marketing.


Contact Information Mike Quinn



+44 (0) 115 959 7997

[Via http://www.prweb.com]

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