Monday, February 16, 2009

Pixel site utilising Facebook & MySpace take off!

Pixel site utilising Facebook & MySpace take off!

A recently launched website ( has stepped up the pixel advertising phase by using pixels to increase tourism, further promote a country and make enough profit to donate half a million dollars to a charity, as selected by the public via an online vote. What's interesting is the site also consists of a 'just for fun' section which links to Facebook or MySpace and could potentially become a big hit a in this era of social networking.

Sydney, NSW (PRWEB) February 16, 2009 -- Australia Simplified ( was launched less than 2 weeks ago and has already received over 60,000 hits and sold almost 30,000 pixels.

The 'Just for fun' section of the site is designed to significantly increase a persons network of friends and online popularity by having their photo uploaded on to the grid along with a comment of their choice.

Once clicked on, the photo link is automatically directed to the appropriate profile on Facebook or MySpace where a request can be made to be added as a friend. Advertiser logon is also provided to pixel purchasers where individual photo's can be changed freely.

"No longer will you need to spend hour after hour looking for contacts, just upload your photo and wait for locals or even people across the world to request to become your friend. It's also another great way to advertise a Facebook group and have people join it if you have one set up. In due course, the aim is that this site will become one of the most commonly known sites to increase both your network of friends and your popularity." (

The Just for fun section includes two grids. One titled 'Just for fun (AUS)' and the other 'Just for fun (WORLD)'. The world grid is designed to create a larger network of friends on an international level as opposed to the Aus section which is predominantly for persons from the same country. A 10x10 (100 pixel) block is being advertised for $50 ($0.5 per pixel).

The site also consists of a couple of different categories for businesses or site owners to advertise in along with a home page which is titled 'Anything and Everything'. In these sections pixels are sold as web space for advertisers to upload ads which link back to their web site.

Once all pixels are sold across four of the five grids, half a million dollars will be donated to one of the selected Australian charities as chosen by the public via an online vote.

The owner of the site, Nadir Dalati writes, "I honestly think Australia is not recognised enough for all its natural beauty and all that it has to offer. This web site is how I aim to do my part, as one person, to further promote my country world wide. My long term objective is to see this site actually make a difference in simplifying the process of promoting businesses or sites, booking accommodation or activities and of course, meeting new friends across the world and being able to simply add them with a basic click of the mouse."

In the blog section, the 26-year-old states that the site was set up for two main reasons; to give more back to the country and to be able to spend more quality time with the family and little ones. (

For more information about Australia Simplified or to be part of Internet history, please visit

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Contact Information Nadir Dalati

Australia Simplified


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